Monday, May 9, 2011

SANYO Bites!

I was going to sign up for mobile Facebook and it asked for the make of my phone. So, of course I bought a cover for the phone that WON'T COME OFF! I tried and tried to get it off. The guy at the store where I bought it said..."Once it's's hard to get off" Boy that guy wasn't kidding. I decided that I should get a dime to put into the slot on the side of the cover and give it a twist. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! I twisted and it started to open so I grabbed it so it wouldn't close what little bit opened. I DID NOT think this through!When I took the dime from the slot that dang SANYO bit the crap out of the tips of both my thumbs. I gave a little but loud yell "OMG it bit me" and one of the librarians asked it there was a bug over there with me...LMAO I told her no and held up my phone. LOL I tried to explain that the phone had bit me and she gave me a look like "Yeah right....OK!"
It would seem that I might have to incorporate the use of someones unsuspecting thumbs in order to get the dang cover off my SANYO!!!! LOL It only hurts for a minute...or two...maybe three! LOL

Needless to thumbs told me to forget signing up for mobile Facebook! LOL 

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