Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Dreaded Roommate

I have been living at this place for the last year and a half. It's horrible, disgusting, smelly, filthy, gross and about a million other words. My roommate has three dogs and each and every one of them poop and pee on his bedroom and living room carpet. It smells so damn bad in here. I have my half of the house and it's on the complete other end of the house....thank goodness for that. I had two dogs until recently and now I have one and in their thirteen years and eleven years neither one has gone to the bathroom on the floor just because they felt like it. The thirteen year old only peed in my house one time in her entire life. When she was a four pound baby she was so easy to train. But my roommates dogs are NOT house trained. They go when and where they want. And the roommate has the audacity to get angry. He yells and screams at them and it's his fault they do it. I trained dogs for quite a while and you have to train the dog to go outside. It's make them go out. You don't stand at the door and say "Do you want to go out?" and when the dog just looks at you, you go out and leave the dog in the house. Then you come in and go to bed! No wonder the dog goes in the house. OMG
Another part of the roommate that drives me insane. If he gets something in his head you ain't getting it out of there. He just accused one of the kids for going in his bathroom and opening his medicine cabinet. The kid showed up at 5:30 and came in to say hello to me and then went in the bedroom to go to sleep! He never once went in the bathroom. But of course the roommate says he did it so that makes it so. Do you know what it's like to be accused of something you didn't do? And no matter what you say it doesn't make any difference at all. The roommate says it's so, so it must be. It couldn't be that he left his own damn medicine cabinet open now could it? Of course not...this is exactly why I am going to move to Ohio. I am running away from all this. I'm done with being the babysitter that has no say so. And tired of being the roommate that has to smell dog poop all the time and listen to the roommate throw a dang fit like a 5 year old. So SICK of this crap!

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