Sunday, August 12, 2012

Once again anger rules what comes out of my sons mouth.

A week ago my grandson asked his dad if he could spend another night (he'd already spent one) at my house. Before all of my grandsons words could come out of his mouth my son lost his mind and started screaming at his son. It didn't matter that my grandson had just recently heard his father say "When you turn 18 I am turning my back on you." It didn't matter that my son was screaming that no one cared about him. (How did it get all turned around so he was the victim?) It didn't matter that my son was just digging a bigger hole from all the times before when he couldn't control his stupid mouth. And it didn't matter that he was saying to his child, get your stuff out of my house I don't want you here any more. What mattered was my grandson was so elated that he didn't have to live at his fathers anymore, my son missed how happy he was.
Now that my son has had a week to reflect on what his choice of words were do you think it mattered? HELL NO! My son is the victim in this. And of course he had to throw at me that it is my fault that he came here in the first place. My son belongs to the Wah Wah Club where they practice daily on being the victim. When I told my son four years ago that if he came here I would help him as much as I could. Well stupid me for letting him hear "I will be your slave till I die." If he had of told me that's what he was thinking I would have told him...when you grow up I will help you. How fricken childish can anyone man be (did I mention that he is now 39 *rolls eyes*) I gave up nearly everything for him. When he came down here he insisted that I empty out my storage room for his then 7 year old daughter and rent a storage unit to put it all in. By the way, he put his belongings in there too and $120.00 a month. He paid NO rent or utilities but he did buy food, for him and the two kids he brought with him, which was not the grandson he just threw out of the house. So, here I am paying $650.00 a month for rent, $120.00 a month on top of that for storage, $250.00 or more a month for utilities, and he pays nothing. NOTHING! So, my boyfriend at the time finally says to my son (after a year) you have to pay $50.00 a week. What happened? He moved out the damn little ungrateful shit. But not before he borrowed $4000.00 from my then boyfriend and $1500.00 from me. Has he paid any of that back? In the last 4 years he paid me back $1300.00. I told him I didn't want him to nickel and dime me. I wanted it in one lump sum! 50 here...100 there. He got it dwindled down to 1300.00. I guess I should feel lucky he paid that back. He says he isn't going to pay my then boyfriend back at all. grandson is living with me and he turns 18 at the end of this month. I guess my son thinks its ok to just get rid of this kid and have me foot the bill when I am on a fixed income that barely covers me. So, I am going to get HIS son on the state and have him get food stamps and money to help take care of him till he graduates at the end of this school year. I wonder what my sons face will look like when he gets hit with that bill. Last summer my grandson worked and when it came time to buy his stuff to go back to school, what do you think his father did? Made him buy his own stuff.
15th birthday, I will get you your license........he got nothing!
16th birthday, I can't afford to buy you anything.............he got nothing! (but both of the other kids got birthday gifts)
17th birthday, I'll get you your license (huh? what happened to birthday number 15?)..........he got nothing!
There is so much leading up to all this. Lets just say...Dead Beat Dad that insists he's the best Dad ever.
And this is my son. I hate to tell you all the things he has done to me, promised me! So when he deleted me and his oldest son....we both said...HELL YEAH!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Yesterday was my birthday. I don't expect much but I do expect my son to make an appearance. My grandson woke up and said Happy Birthday. THAT...was a miracle in itself because he doesn't remember anything...ever! LOL
My room mate forgot my birthday but when I said something he bought me Chinese for dinner. LOL
My son, who I always get gifts for because his kids are too little to go out and buy him something...and that includes all the holidays that require cards or gifts. He text me Happy Birthday and that was it. I waited all day for him to show up but he didn't and as mad as I have been at him lately...I was so damn disappointed. I need to walk away from him and his mean ways. He picks and chooses who he wants to be nice to. family you don't get to do that. You can pick and choose your friends and let them go when they turn out to be toxic but not your family. It seems that me and his oldest son are the ones he doesn't like. So I need to start taking everyone's advice and walk away before he gives me a stroke or something.
A text???? Is he serious? WTF?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

At the very end of my rope!

Yesterday my son called and of course he had to say something stupid like "Is David still not talking to me?"
OK...I am having a problem with this whole thing. My son thinks my grandson should just give in under his tyranny...that's a great word for all this. My grandson has lived a life where his father was never there. His mother didn't care what he did. His sister two years older than him raised him. My grandson left his mothers hoping to come to a place where he was loved. He didn't. That breaks my heart for this child. But he's a tough kid. He stated it simply!!!! I hate my mother. But I hate my father more and I don't want anything to do with him. When he heard my son say he was going to turn his back on him when he was 18 my grandson said he doesn't have to because when he's 18 he is out of that house and he won't look back. I don't blame him there. I did the same thing only I was 13....never looked back!
My son blamed me for having my phone on speaker phone....not that he was saying something so hurtful but me having the speaker phone on. And I do that because if I put that phone up to my ear in this house....the call is immediately lost...AND HE KNOWS THAT. But still it's my fault!
So back to yesterday...after a two minute conversation about his oldest the conversation turned to the two little ones...of course. That's what everything is about. Those two little ones. "Mom, they think you don't like them." WHAT???? And where did that come from? Oh, I know exactly where it came from. My son is a world class manipulator. He manipulates situations---example---He has the kids for a change and then he decides he's rather not have them (too much for him to handle) So he says to the kids. "Gramma's going to the library, you want to go with Gramma?" Um...hello...shouldn't you have discussed that with me before you pawned your brats off on me????? See what I have to deal with! of the kids...let me guess, his favorite...said to him Gramma said she shouldn't have come here. Referring to his house while he was at work. OK explanation...I hurt ALL the time. There is not one single second of the day that I don't hurt. My hip is out of socket and I have a bulging disc in my lower back causing my leg to throb all the way to my ankle. That alone can make someone very cranky. But top that off with two kids that don't listen to a single thing I say to them and we have a situation I don't want to be in. Everyone in the world gets it...except my son. OMG Now I have caused the two little ones to believe that I don't like them. WHAT???? Where did that come from? Because I said one time...I shouldn't have come here? No I think it has to do with my son manipulating the conversation into something like this. "Does Gramma act like she doesn't like you?" My son swears that I don't like his kids, the oldest excluded from that. Well who's fault is that shit huh???? They were doing so much drugs at his house when those kids were little that I wasn't allowed over there. He told me straight out. "Mom you can't come here unless you are invited." Not that I would just show up over there out of the blue because I didn't like those kids mother. She was a whiny baby that said every single time I ever had a conversation with her. "It's not fair." And that included a whole bunch of things that she thought weren't fair. My son has shut me out since he got with the oldest ones mother and I just dealt with it. But now I am so used to being on the outside I don't want to be on the inside.
I am pretty upset that he is making me explain to his two kids that I don't hate them that I may just decline. He can do whatever explaining there is to be done and forget it. I don't like those kids and I really don't have a lot of like left for my son.
When you have a conversation with my son it is completely one sided. He does all the talking and could care less how you feel about any of it. He over talks you and whatever you had to say is lost in trying to get him to shut up long enough for you to say what you had to say. I am so sick of hurting and then this shit on top of it. What does he expect? I would suggest counseling but I am at a point I just want away from him and those two brats that think I don't like them. Jeez, they are just like him. Insecure little brats! There is so much more I want to say but now I can't I will come back and edit it! 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I am amazed...

My son thinks it's up to his 17 year old son to initiate a conversation with him when just the day before he said he was turning his back on him when he turned 18. Yeah...that would make me want to talk to him. My son seems to have some sort of a mental problem that makes him think he is never in the wrong.
He treats the 10 year old like her shit don't stink. He's doing that one an injustice. She going to grow up thinking she is better than everyone and when life hits her in the face...somewhere around junior high I think...she's not going to be able to handle it.
I told my grandson that he can live here with me. I will take care of him. I always have so now isn't going to be any different. What the heck is wrong with my son's generation? Something must have gotten into the water for that bunch. And turned them into uncaring, unfeeling assholes!

I am going to sleep now. I have had enough for the last few days.
Good Night Bloggerville!

My 17 year old GrandSon

Yesterday was an end to what was a progressively bad relationship between my son and his 17 year old son. It's a long story...but to make it son treats that boy like he's just some neighbor kid that gets on his nerves. I have been watching this for the last three years and my heart has broken many times watching my son inflict pain on this innocent child. Yesterday my son said the only words a parent should never ever say to their child...and I don't care how old that child gets. He said. "I am turning my back on you." I was devastated so I can only imagine what my grandson felt. As I write this I am hearing my son say that over and over and over.
A little background on my son and his children. He left the 17 year olds mother when the boy was 4. They maintained a close relationship until my grandson was 8 and then things started to dwindle. Visits slowed down to almost nothing. My grandson spent all his weekends with me. You might ask why and the reason is simple. My son had another child when the first child was 7. A girl, so he forgot about the boy. Two years later he had another child, a boy. Now the 10 year old isn't allowed to even see me because his mother is so damn messed up in the head...anyway, I fought her tooth and nail and my grandson was allowed to start spending the weekends with me again.
Speed up to when my grandson is 15.
I moved to Florida in 2007 and then my son followed me (in 2008) with the two little ones. Then 3 years ago my grandson came to live with his father...why? Because of his parents not giving a shit what he did or who he did it with, he was headed straight to jail. His father acted like it was the best thing in the world to have the boy here with him. But in just a few weeks that all reverted back to the remarks that hurt to the core. The blaming him for things that he had done in the past. Why did he do those things? Because his parents were assholes. Anyway, my son doesn't see his part in this. SO, I want the boy to live with me until he finishes school. I just want him to graduate.
I am going to have to make a decision to leave my son alone. He puts the two little ones ahead of his 17 year old and I have had enough. He refuses to buy the boy his school supplies and clothes. He refuses to pay his $35.00/mo. cell phone bill but pays for the 10 year olds cell phone. And that's $55.00/mo. What's wrong with that picture? Everything if you ask me. My grandson left behind his older sister and his other grandmother and aunts and cousins...his whole family is back there and he needs to be able to stay in contact with them. So now. ME...on a very low fixed income is going to have to take on the expense of taking care of him.
I am starting to think that something is mentally wrong with my son. How can he put those two little ones ahead of his first born? And it's not like I'm asking him to treat him better than them...just treat the kids all the you love him too.
I did not raise my son like this. I understand 100% that when we grow up we have our own opinions and we have our own ways of doing things. But, we bring with us into adulthood all the things we were taught as children. My son has brought nothing but blame for me being poor and not being able to give him the best of everything. He blames me for imaginary things too. Like he went hungry many times when he was little. That!!!! Is one great big lie. He never ever went hungry. We always had food but he wanted more food because he's a damn pig. I have taken the blame for everything getting messed up and making mistakes but my son was always first...ALWAYS! He was my pride and joy and I think that's where I went wrong. I was so blind to the fact that he was turning into a self righteous, pompous asshole. Somehow I overlooked his transition from a sweet little boy into this condescending asshole that thinks he's right about everything and no one else has a say so...even when he's yelling and screaming that I did him wrong!
My heart is broken...again! And if I have my way it will be the last time he does this to me. He has tried to destroy his son but I am going to do my best to get that boy away from his father once and for all!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My sad sad life...

How is it I always manage to fall into situations that are so soul sucking? I try to do what's right. I try to help people out. I try! And what do I get for all this trying? Kicked right in the ass! Every single time.
It doesn't matter what I want or that I ask for respect. My son does not teach his kids that they have to respect other peoples property. His 10 year old goes right into someones house and touches whatever she wants to. She empties full cans of AXE body spray just because she thinks she can. She pours cologne down the drain just because she thinks she can. She breaks things and after all of this she says. "I don't know why I did it." OR and this is the one that sets my brain on fire..."I didn't do that." The eight year old has anger problems. If he asks to do something and you say no he loses his mind. And when I say loses his mind...I'm NOT kidding. He then proceeds to ask over and over again without a break between the words, "Why can't I ______?" Over and over and all the while he is getting so angry that he will attack you if you don't watch out. There is something wrong. Seriously wrong.
I am helping my son out by watching his kids while he's working but I have a dislocated hip that is so painful I have trouble thinking about anything else. The pain has taken over my life and forced me into a mindset that clearly is capable of hurting someone. I can't walk, I limp, badly! I can't sit in a chair for more than an hour before I'm ready to scream. I can't lay down because there is no comfortable position for me. And dealing with all this I am having to be constantly assaulted with screaming and fits and being told "I don't have to listen to you."
I am going to have to tell my son I can't do it any more. I am not mentally or physically capable of dealing with the out of control kids that he doesn't discipline. He tells the ten year old girl that she is the most responsible of all the kids...*clears throat*...there is a seventeen year old that is cooking and cleaning up after the two that don't have a single chore at all. He watches them and makes sure they take their showers. He makes sure they are in bed at the right time. And the ten year old is the most responsible???? What the heck did I miss?
I have seen parents play favorites but come on son shows blatant favoritism. He chastises and belittles the seventeen year old in front of the two younger kids so guess what???? They don't show him any respect. He actually chastises me in front of them so guess what???? They don't have any respect for me either.
He doesn't seem to care that I can't walk. Sometimes it hurts so bad I just want to cry but does he think about me getting ready to go. Going outside and getting into the Jeep. Driving to his house. Getting out of the Jeep. Walking into his house. Laying on his couch till it's time to go home then getting up and going out to the Jeep. Driving home. Getting out of the Jeep and then walking into my house. All of this causing severe pain. Every single movement I do hurts. EVERY ONE!!!! There is nothing that is not involved with pain. Pain has seeped in so deep that I think that's all I have left.  When you live with chronic pain you start thinking differently. When you live with chronic pain you start to become depressed and when you are depressed you don't want to deal with two kids that are out of control.
I have to do something to save what little sanity I have left! And the first thing I have to do is stop babysitting for those two brats.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Dreaded Roommate

I have been living at this place for the last year and a half. It's horrible, disgusting, smelly, filthy, gross and about a million other words. My roommate has three dogs and each and every one of them poop and pee on his bedroom and living room carpet. It smells so damn bad in here. I have my half of the house and it's on the complete other end of the house....thank goodness for that. I had two dogs until recently and now I have one and in their thirteen years and eleven years neither one has gone to the bathroom on the floor just because they felt like it. The thirteen year old only peed in my house one time in her entire life. When she was a four pound baby she was so easy to train. But my roommates dogs are NOT house trained. They go when and where they want. And the roommate has the audacity to get angry. He yells and screams at them and it's his fault they do it. I trained dogs for quite a while and you have to train the dog to go outside. It's make them go out. You don't stand at the door and say "Do you want to go out?" and when the dog just looks at you, you go out and leave the dog in the house. Then you come in and go to bed! No wonder the dog goes in the house. OMG
Another part of the roommate that drives me insane. If he gets something in his head you ain't getting it out of there. He just accused one of the kids for going in his bathroom and opening his medicine cabinet. The kid showed up at 5:30 and came in to say hello to me and then went in the bedroom to go to sleep! He never once went in the bathroom. But of course the roommate says he did it so that makes it so. Do you know what it's like to be accused of something you didn't do? And no matter what you say it doesn't make any difference at all. The roommate says it's so, so it must be. It couldn't be that he left his own damn medicine cabinet open now could it? Of course not...this is exactly why I am going to move to Ohio. I am running away from all this. I'm done with being the babysitter that has no say so. And tired of being the roommate that has to smell dog poop all the time and listen to the roommate throw a dang fit like a 5 year old. So SICK of this crap!