Saturday, May 21, 2011

The End of The World Today!!!

So today was the end of the world! From the looks of things its not exactly the end...either that or people just don't know yet!!! LOL Shhh...I'm not telling them.

So they announced that today was going to be (because they said it yesterday) the end of the world.
When your brain hears that it does a strange kicks in to survival mode! So last night after I heard this news I went and ate ice cream---its forbidden, (my cholesterol is high) I figured what the hell, tomorrow is the end anyway, my cholesterol won't give a sh*t tomorrow will it! And then I ate a piece of cake...oh how I have missed cake! I watched MONK only to have the ending scrambled by the gazillion little digital pixels that hold my tv captive. I figured what the hell, do I really need to see the ending??? Tomorrows the end of the world so the end of MONK wasn't so important after all! Then I put on my headphones and turned on the iPod. I figured it I was at the end I might as well enjoy myself. I turned on Adele and put it on repeat and fell asleep. WELL!!!! I woke up this morning with the headphones twisted around my neck and the iPod hanging off the side of the bed. If it wasn't so light it definitely would have been my end because my headphones cord was strangling me. LOL I got up and took the dogs out to pee. Came back in and made a cup of tea and took my vitamins. Then I started thinking...hmmm...maybe the end hasn't arrived yet so I grabbed my phone and opened the web. I'm gonna check Facebook to see how many of my friends made it through the night. Facebook won't open and now my power has gone out. LOL My brain says to me in a whisper, "This is it. This is the end."  I won't brain is a fickle bitch! LOL As I sit by the window drinking my tea I can hear cars going past. I think, "They don't know its the end, I wonder where they are going." Now I'm wondering if its going to take a long time for the world to just shut down. Like turning off the lights. One house at a time. Somehow I think all this is funny and I don't feel the need my friend put it...tie up loose ends. I'm just going to sit here and wait for the end to come. Weird but I think 2 years ago I would have freaked out a little if I had heard this because I had just been reunited with my grandson. I have heard at least 20 times that on a certain day the world would end. I'd think...Is it true? But then forget about it. 3 years ago is when I would have been newly reunited with my son and his two youngest. And then his oldest a year later. But today the only one of them I speak to is my sons oldest boy. AND THEN...God must have changed her mind because the power turned back on and the cool breeze from the fan washed over me.
I think I will start living each day like its my last. No more letting anyone stress me out because I know that once I am gone who gives a crap what everyone else is doing. I can't control anything around me except me. is the only day that matters!  

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