Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Living in the "In-between"

Thats where I am right now...In the IN-BETWEEN
The in between is in the middle of a very painful moment in your life and the final outcome of the healing.
I am in the in between of something my son has done to me. A few words from him has started an avalanche of emotions that I thought were secure in their places in my heart. I was sadly mistaken. We spend our lives creating relationships with various people and when the relationship has become one that we see as concrete we place it safely in our hearts. I have begun to question all of my relationships. And as painful as it is to do...I have eliminated people from my life. I have kept the people that I know are true friends...they are there no matter what. They give you the support you need to make it through the horrible times. Their words...their phone calls...their posts on the social networks are all appreciated. They proved their friendship when I needed it. Their place in my heart is rock solid.
I used to think that all my relationships were like that...but now I see that they aren't and I have to do what makes me happy and to hell with everyone else.
The in-between has engulfed me with a vengeance. What I thought was a solid relationship, was NOT! And there have been many after that that I have found to be fickle. Fair weather friends and family. Liars. Now I wonder who is lying and who is telling the truth.
My son seems to have lied his entire life. Either that or hes a damn alien thats taken over my true sons body...which we all know is not true so he is a liar. There is the possibility that he has gone mental. And I am leaning heavily toward that possibility!
My brothers wife has made me question myself and how people see me. I actually had to ask someone or three...if I was like she was saying I was. Thats all part of the in-between. Questioning your personality. Questioning you mental stability. It sucks here in the in-between. Its a dark and lonely place where you are so alone and alienated. And all because someone chose to hurl hateful words at you. Someone you loved with all your heart and never ever expected anything like this to happen.
I don't know how long I will be living in the in-between. But I know that when I finally make it out people because I will be stronger then when I went in. These are the kinds of things that give us strength. the hurt and pain helps to build the walls that protect us from more hurt and pain that so called loved ones like to dish out.
I will re build my walls and this time...there won't be any way to hurt me.
And the terrible thing about all this...they lose. I know what kind of person I am and will be when the in-between releases me. 

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